As an educator at heart, Marissiko loves to engage in deep dialogue and critical consciousness building through teaching at the graduate level. Below are courses that she regularly teaches in addition to shorter workshops and coaching.

Intergroup Dialogue on Race | New York University

Undergraduate students participate in open and honest conversations that address issues of social identity on a cultural, institutional, and individual level. The course provides a foundational understanding of power, privilege and oppression in the United States context. Dialogue aims to create a safe space where students ask questions of themselves and others while deconstructing differences and similarities in experiences.

Politics of Difference | University of Southern California

Through examining power in the societal and institutional context, this course discusses interrelationships among race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, gender, sexuality, and other dimensions of diversity with the goal of facilitating access and equity in various learning settings.

Foundations of Higher, Adult and Professional Education | University of Southern California

Contemporary issues in higher, adult and professional education in the United States; analytic perspectives from various disciplines (history, philosophy, sociology); implications for policy practice.

Exploration of Campus Cultures | California State University, Long Beach

Faculty, administrative, and student cultures are examined in terms of values, behavioral norms, impact, and influences. Using studies of these cultures, students apply research methods for the study of campus cultures. Discussion addresses implications of these findings for higher education policies and practices.